Alberta Municipal Taxation Professionals Association logo

Networking and Information for Alberta's Property Tax Experts

December 2024 | Issue 31

Community is a place where the connections we make are as meaningful as the work we do. - Unknown

As the year comes to a close and we wrap up this year, we want to take a moment to thank you for being part of our association. We truly hope that the AMTPA has been a helpful resource for you and your team throughout this busy time. As you work through your year-end requirements, remember that our website is filled with tools and resources to support you. And remember, our Q&A community is always here—feel free to connect with your peers anytime!

The Board wishes you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. As we look ahead to 2025, we are grateful for your continued support and excited for the opportunities the new year will bring!

Membership Renewal

On January 1st, you will receive your annual membership renewal reminder via email. Please note that there will be a small increase in membership fees. After careful consideration, the Board made the decision to adjust the fees to ensure we can continue delivering valuable resources, tools, webinars, and information to our members. This change will allow us to expand our offerings and better serve your needs in the years ahead.

One member $247.50

Two members in same municipality $385.00 

Three members in the same municipality $522.50

Four and/or more members in the same municipality $660.00 

If you receive your renewal reminder and need to make any changes to your membership, please reach out to Bethann, our Director of Membership, via email

Mentorship Program

Have you signed up for a mentor yet? A mentor can be an invaluable support on your learning journey, offering guidance and insights from their experience. We can match you with a provincial colleague who can help you grow and learn.

Do you have extensive municipal experience or have you been in your role for a while? Are you willing to share your knowledge and support a colleague’s growth? If so, we’d love to have you as a mentor!

For more information, check out our website.

If you have questions or comments about the program, please contact Stephen, our Director of Relations at

Become a Mentor Today!

2025 Webinar Series

Additional information will be shared via the website and email as it becomes available.

Upcoming Webinars - Save the Date!

Tax Rate Levers - January 28, 2025

Effective Email Writing - 2 Part 

March 5 & 12, 2025

2025 Annual AMTPA Conference

September 24-26, 2025

Sharing Corner

Alberta government introduces new FOIP rules

"The Alberta government is making changes to strengthen privacy rules, including a ban on public bodies such as schools and municipalities selling private information.

Technology Minister Nate Glubish says while the province and other public bodies in Alberta are not believed to be selling such information, the bill would make clear it is prohibited.

“It was important to me to codify that into law so that Albertans knew for sure that no government ever could,” Glubish told reporters Wednesday before introducing one of two bills that, if passed, would replace the existing Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Glubish’s bill is also aimed at strengthening rules and increasing penalties to ensure there are clear procedures for collecting and disseminating private information.

The act increases fines to a maximum of $750,000 for anyone who knowingly breaks rules regarding personal information.

The bill clarifies when and how information is shared with public bodies, which include provincial and municipal governments, schools and police. Albertans would also be notified if personal data is processed through an automated system.

There would also be an online privacy portal so residents can see when, how and for what purpose their records are accessed. It’s to include data like vehicle registrations and medical records.

Albertans would also be able to file a privacy complaint if they believe their info has been leaked.

The second bill, sponsored by Service Alberta Minister Dale Nally, aims to streamline processes to give Albertans access to documents faster and more effectively through freedom of information rules.

Officials said the act would better define cabinet confidentiality and allow public bodies to proactively disclose information.

The bill would not allow the release of records subject to cabinet confidence or legal privilege, such as communications between cabinet members and political staff. The bill does not define who political staff are.

Asked why Albertans can’t request those communications, which are often part of crafting government policy, Nally said freedom of information is about accessing official documents.

“This is about the public’s right to access government records. If it’s a political conversation, then that’s not going to apply,” he said.

“If there’s a department official on the email, then that could fall under (freedom of information rules),” he said. “But if it’s just a political conversation, that does not constitute a government record.”

Opposition NDP justice critic Irfan Sabir said Alberta’s government hasn’t always been transparent with information, noting freedom of information requests can take a long time to process and often come back with unnecessary redactions.

The exemption could be used to hide information, he said.

Sabir added that when his party was in government, freedom of information requests could be made for his email and schedule.

“This is a government that is infamous for the leaking government records emails, so to some extent, (this legislation) looks like it’s a bit self-serving,” he told reporters.

Nally said the changes would not make it easier for the government to keep things secret, but modernize current legislation.

Glubish said splitting the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act into two new bills makes revising the legislation easier down the road.

“We can ensure that as technology continues to evolve and if amendments are required to strengthen our privacy protections for Albertans, we can be more nimble and focus exclusively on privacy and vice versa with access to information,” he said.

The bill is expected to come into force this spring.

Full article can be found here."

Q&A Forum

Do you have an RFP template for financial software providers? This seems to be a common question amongst our colleagues. This could be added to our Resources for members to access. Please send it to and it will get uploaded.

Membership Profile

Your membership profile provides valuable insights to the Board as they plan content for webinars, programs, and conference sessions. Please take a moment to complete your profile when you can.

Board Member Spotlight

This month we introduce a new Board member, Stephen Leroux. 

Stephen says "I’m excited to join AMTPA as the Director of Relations. Property tax professionals play a crucial role in funding every jurisdiction in Alberta, supporting essential services for all Albertans. Our work truly matters!

Given the importance of what we do, it’s essential to continue building relationships within our community, with related organizations, and with the municipalities that employ us. While our members fill diverse roles, we can create a common purpose, increase recognition for our expertise, and grow together by gaining new skills and experiences.

In my day job, I lead a team of 40 property tax professionals as Director of Taxation Operations for the City of Edmonton. We handle everything from billing and customer service to administering over $2.6 billion in property taxes across more than 430,000 properties. We’re also excited to be new members of AMTPA and thoroughly enjoyed the recent annual conference.

I entered the taxation field through a career as an assessor and am an Accredited Municipal Assessor of Alberta (AMAA). I previously led Edmonton’s assessment team and served as President of the Alberta Assessors’ Association (AAA).

All of this is a long way to say that I value the work we do, place a high value on collaborative relationships, professional community and volunteerism and am looking forward to putting these things to work in service of the AMTPA vision ‘to create a network of municipal property tax professionals in Alberta for collaboration and support'."

Stephen Leroux
Director of Relations

We are thrilled to welcome Stephen to the AMTPA Board of Directors as our new Director of Relations! With his extensive experience, Stephen brings invaluable insight to the role. We’re excited to see him build strong relationships across the province, enhance recognition for AMTPA, and contribute to the continued growth and success of our association. We look forward to seeing Stephen thrive and make an impact in this new role! 

Become a Member

Membership Benefit

  • Discounted Rates for municipalities that register multiple employees
  • Webinars on key industry topics
  • Financial System User Groups for shared knowledge and support
  • Reduced Conference Registration Fees
  • Exclusive Members-Only Access on
  • NEW! Mentorship Program to connect and grow within the community and your role

Is there anything else we can do to better support you? We invite you to share your ideas and suggestions with us at We’re dedicated to collaborating with you to ensure your needs are met and to enhance your overall experience.

Apply Today!

Membership Renewals are due January 1, 2025!

Job Postings

Whether you're seeking a new position or know someone who is, be sure to visit our website regularly for updates.

Submit a Job

Document Library

The Document Library has been updated! Before sending in a question, be sure to check it out—your answer may already be waiting for you.

If you have any documents, links, or suggestions to contribute to the library, feel free to email us at

Document Library (members only)


How do I login if I don't know my password?

Members can reset their passwords by clicking on the forgot password link and following the instructions on screen.   *Resetting your password also works to setup your password for the first time.

Remember to check your junk folder if you do not receive the forgot password email.

If you are still having issues, please contact

How do I change my information displayed in the member directory?

Login to your member profile, navigate to the Privacy link in your profile, click Edit profile.  Setting the field to 'Members' will allow other members logged into the website to see the information in the member directory.  Setting the field to 'No access' will hide this field from all members and only AMTPA administrators will be able to see the information. After making edits, click the Save button.

How can I add members to our municipality's membership?

If you have already paid for a membership with 2 or more members, please forward the other members you paid for this link that will allow them to submit their membership information. 

If you have not purchased a membership yet, fill in an application to join today.

If you've previously purchased a membership and now need to pay for additional members for your municipality, please email with the details.  

Visit AMTPA's FAQ page for answers to the most common questions.


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