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Alberta’s Property Tax Specialists

REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Our annual conference is September 18-20, 2024.
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Welcome to the Alberta Municipal Taxation Professionals Association

Alberta Municipal Tax Professional Association is a network of municipal property tax professionals who have come together from across Alberta to share knowledge, expertise, advocate for legislation changes and elevate the profession through training and development.


How do I log in if I don't know my password?

Members can reset their passwords by clicking on the forgot password link and following the instructions on screen.   *Resetting your password also works to setup your password for the first time.

Remember to check your junk folder if you do not receive the forgot password email.

If you are still having issues, please contact

Can I make changes to what is shared in the directory?

Login to your member profile, navigate to the Privacy link in your profile, click Edit profile.  Setting the field to 'Members' will allow other members logged into the website to see the information in the member directory.  Setting the field to 'No access' will hide this field from all members and only AMTPA administrators will be able to see the information. After making edits, click the Save button.

How can I add members to our municipality's membership?

If you have already paid for a membership with 2 or more members, please forward the other members you paid for this link that will allow them to submit their membership information. 

If you have not purchased a membership yet, fill in an application to join today.

If you've previously purchased a membership and now need to pay for additional members for your municipality, please email with the details.  

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Alberta Municipal Taxation Professionals Association
Mailing Address:
c/o Linda Bauer, Box 509, Castor, AB  T0C 0X0

Payment inquiries:
All Other Inquiries:

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