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Networking and Information for
Alberta’s Property Tax Specialists

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  • 2024 Partnership Opportunities

2024 Partnership Opportunities

  • 11 Mar 2024
  • 18 Sep 2024
  • River Cree Resort & Casino


  • Recognition of your partnership through signage, mobile app, website, mentioned during specific events; 2 full registrations and more
  • Join AMTPA as a partner and receive one full registration; recognition in a variety of ways; showcase your services
  • Show your partnership through our website, event app and the AGM breakfast.
  • Corporate logo and sponsorship recognition through event app and website, exhibitor table available
  • This is an opportunity to sponsor the Thursday Evening Entertainment Program. See 2024 Partnership Opportunities for more detailed information.
  • Showcase your product and services. See 2024 Partnership Opportunities for more detailed information.


"Collaboration for Success"

AMTPA is a not-for-profit, educational association made up of Alberta government municipal property taxation professionals.

Run by members, it was incorporated in 2020 with the purpose of providing a forum that offers municipal taxation professionals across the province:

  • Educational opportunities such as webinars, annual conference and formalized training
  • Promote a network of taxation specialists to provide support and share knowledge, expertise, ideas, and ask questions that affect our members in their daily work
  • Share information about legislation, resources and events
  • Advocate for legislation updates/amendments

We have grown to over 250 members in 4 years and represent 134 municipalities throughout the Province of Alberta.

2024 Partnership Opportunities

Questions can be directed to

Alberta Municipal Taxation Professionals Association
Mailing Address:
c/o Linda Bauer, Box 509, Castor, AB  T0C 0X0

Payment inquiries:
All Other Inquiries:

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