AMTPA has seven Board of Director positions and two auditor positions. The term of each position shall be a minimum of two years and the terms will alternate to ensure continuity. The President, Treasurer, Director of Education, the generic Director position, and one auditor will be elected in odd-number years. The Vice-President, Secretary, Director of Communications, Director of Education, and one auditor will be elected in even-number years.
Members who are in good standing are eligible for nomination to the board. Please ensure that you will have the time to devote to the responsibilities that are required.
The board meets virtually every other month for a general meeting, once following the annual conference and AGM, and possibly an additional one if needed throughout the year.
Meetings are held during working hours and are booked for an hour and a half. The officers of the board must attend at least one-half of the general meetings, or a minimum of three each year.
Board members are expected to commit to about five hours per month for association duties and it will depend on that individual's circumstance if their work for AMTPA can be carried out during work hours or as a volunteer during off-hours.
The board and directors work together to:
Visit our Board & Directors Policy for more information and individual responsibilities and duties.
Next meeting - September 20, 2024